March 2010, Boylston, Worcester, Massachusetts
Old Burial Ground
Will- Robert Goodale
He died and his will was proved June 27, 1683—he left his estate to his daughter Elizabeth and his grandson, John Smith. Wife Margaret was mentioned as having already been provided for, as were his other children.
He died and his will was proved June 27, 1683—he left his estate to his daughter Elizabeth and his grandson, John Smith. Wife Margaret was mentioned as having already been provided for, as were his other children.
*I Robert Goodell being now aged & weake, in body as alsoe my wife and my daughter Elizabeth Bennett, hath taken care of me and therefor my will & desire is & I doe will & bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Bennet & my grand child, John Smith, my house & the orchard & all the meadowes that I now posess with the pasture which is about eight acres of upland be more or lesse, all which house land & meadowes my daughter Elizabeth Bennett, and my grand child John Smith, shall enjoy after the lease, or terme, that it is now let for, is expired, they or either of them paying as much rent, yearly which is to the value of twenty shillings in currant pay, dated the twelfth of October one thousand six hundred eighty two; & after my daughter Elizabeth's decease, the whole lands shall be my grand child's John Smith. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal
found on ancestry.com
Arms granted- Goodale family
*On March 1, 1612, arms were granted to Thomas Goodall of Earle-Stoneham, as follows:
Arms: Gules, an eagle displayed Argent, beaked and membered Or, on a canton of the last a Chaplet Gramine Vert
Crest: On a wreath an eagle displayed Argent beaked and membered Or and gorged with a chaplet Gramine Vert.
*The Boston Transcript No. 9830 states that Robert (probably the grandson) brought to America the arms granted Thomas Goodall of Earle-Stoneham.
King James had succeeded Queen Elizabeth in 1603, followed by King Charles in 1625. One of the first acts of King Charles on his ascension to the throne, that caused a storm of indignation throughout the country was the imposition of a forced loan without the grant of Parliament. The imposition of ship money was the final measure that drove thousands to America
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Bio-Robert Goodale
*Robert, his wife Katherine and three children, sailed from the port of Ipswich, Suffolk County, England on 30 April 1634 on the ship "Elizabeth" in charge of Captain, Mr. William Andrews. They took the oath of allegiance and supremacy at his Majesties Customs House on 12 November 1634 at Ipswich Massachusetts and settled in Salem, Massachusetts
*According to Bowen's account and the History of Salem, they made their home at Salem, "in the field northeasterly of Cold Spring in North Salem," where he was granted a house lot and an acre of land in 1636. He obtained another 20 acres in 1639 and 1652. By 1651, he had 480 acres of land in Salem. On 15 March 1660, he sold 50 acres to Giles Corey called the "Corey Farm." (see Notes for Catherine Killam re: Giles Corey.) George E. Williams gives the following account of his land:
“ ...the first record of the Goodells in America [at Salem], indicated that they settled at Great Cove in the North Fields. This Spring, so often mentioned in the early records in what was later called Liberty Hill Park, was on Robert Goodell's farm and was known for the first half century of Salem's history as Goodell's Spring. It is not recorded how he acquired this first farm. However, in 1636 and in 1638 he received grants of twenty acres each in that portion of the town which became known as Salem Village, and he gradually acquired by purchase similar grants made to other early settlers, until by 1651, he was the owner of a tract of land at Bald Hill comprising four hundred and eighty acres, which was confirmed to him by a town grant on November 7, 1651. He probably moved to this new property at about that time, and, as opportunity offered, disposed of his Great Cove farm, deeding the house and a portion of the land to his son-in-law, John Smith in 1658. Another lot was conveyed to Nicholas Manning in 1667, and a third conveyance was probably made to John Orne, who owned a part of the property, hitherto unconveyed in 1684.”
*Robert was a farmer. "He was a man of piety, of education, of considerable wealth, of great strength of character, a helper in all important matters --- such was our ancestor, Robert Goodell" (Versailles). In 1670, the people of Salem petitioned for a church of their own and Robert Goodell's signature is on that document. Robert does not appear to have taken part in government affairs.
*Robert seems to have devoted his life to the development of his large grant for the benefit of his sons and daughters to whom, as they married, he gave generous acreages as wedding gifts, thus creating a family settlement about his own homestead. His firm, clear handwriting would indicate a good education, but he took no part in governmental affairs and his name seldom appears in the records in any capacity except as plaintiff or defendant in suits based on the ownership of his land and stock. On August 30, 1669, he made a settlement on his second wife, Margaret: "12 acres of land, a new dwelling house, two cowes and a horse or mare fitt for her to ride on."
found on ancestry.com
Emigration- Robert and Catherine Goodale
*30 April 1634, "Robert Goodall", aged 30, and "Kathern, his wife," aged 28, "Mary Goodale", aged 4, "Abraham Goodale", aged 2, and " Isaacke Goodale", aged "half a year," children of "Rob[er]t Goodale", were enrolled as passengers for New England on the Elizabeth.
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"Goodale/ Godeale--Origin of Surname"
1189, England to New England Colony
This interesting name has two possible origins. The first being a metonymic occupational name for a brewer of good ale, deriving from the medieval English "gode" meaning "good" plus "ale", ale or malt liquor. The surname from this source is first recorded in the latter half of the 12th Century (see below). One Roger Godhal appears in the 1221 Assize Court Rolls of Shropshire and a William Godale in the 1244, Calendar of the Monastery of Ramsey, Bedfordshire. The second distinct possibility is that the name is of locational origin from a place in the West Riding of Yorkshire, originally called Goldale, but now called Gowdall. The name derives from the Olde English pre 7th Century "golde", a marigold plus "halh", a nook or recess. One Ricardus de (of) Goldall, is noted in Poll Tax Returns of Yorkshire (1379). In 1635, Thomas Goodall married Alice Fluen in St. James' Clerkenwell, London. Among the earliest settlers in the New World were Robert Goodall, aged 30 yrs., and his wife Katherin, aged 28 yrs., who departed from Ipswich aboard the "Elizabeth", bound for New England, in April 1634. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Toka Godala, which was dated 1181, in the "Pipe Rolls of Suffolk", during the reign of King Henry 11, known as "The Builder of Churches", 1154 - 1189. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.
melobutterfly1added this on 29 March 2010
"The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Toka Godala, which was dated 1181, in the "Pipe Rolls of Suffolk", during the reign of King Henry 11, known as "The Builder of Churches", 1154 - 1189.
found on ancestry.com
Murder - check this out?
Robert's son Jacob was killed at age 34 by Giles Cory, for whom he worked. He was beaten and died soon afterwards. The coroner's jury said "The man was bruised to death, having clusters of blood about the heart." Longfellow wrote a poem about the death and trial but used the name "Robert" instead of "Jacob" the son. Giles Cory was pressed to death at age 80 in Salem Massachusetts, a victim of the witchcraft trails of 1692.
found on ancestry.com
Our family is also related to Robert Goodell through Zachariah. Where is this headstone located?