2 June 1671, Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Nicolas made his will dated June 2, 1671 "age about Sixty Yeares or their about"....He died prior to September 7, 1672 when the inventory of his estate was taken, which amounted to 257.11.6 and was presented by his son Richard on 3 Oct 1672. In the will he mentioned his sons in order: Richard, Joshua, and Benjamin. He also mentioned his daughters Alice SHAW, Experience KING, Hannah WHITE, and Abigail PHILLIPS, and "My loving brother Henry PHILLIPS and my loving friends Thomas DYER and Jonas HUMPHREY"..(Source: Buczek Deacon Nicholas PHILLIPS of Weymouth should be distinguished from Nicholas PHILLIPS, shop keeper and victualler. of Boston who died 15 March 1669/70. (History of Weymouth by Chamberlain, 1923.) It was the ; Boston Nicholas PHILLIPS' who married Hannah SALTER in 1651, and had children: Elizabeth b. 1652; Hannah b 1654; Nicholas b 1656, d 1657; Nicholas b 1660, d 1551; Abigail b 1661. The 3 daughters were all baptized together with their sister Sarah, 6, 3 months, 1666. (Boston BMD, 1630-1699, p. 102) The widow, Hannah (SALTER) PHILLIPS, goes on to marry JOhn RUGGLES before 3 Nov 1671 when their daughter Ruth was born, and she (Hannah RUGGLES) died 3 Jan 1696/97. (Deacon) Nicholas PHILLIPS of Weymouth also had daughters named Hannah and Abigail, and he mentions them in his will. Will proved 3 October 1672. To eldest son Richard HILLIPS the marsh which is now in his possession. To his three sons, Richard, Joshua and Benjamin HILLIPS his wearing apparel. To second son Joshua HILLIPS 6 pounds. To eldest daughter Alice SHAW 10 pounds, To my six younger childern, viz. Joshua, Benjamine, Alice SHAW, Experience KING, Hannah WHITE, and Abigail HILLIPS, the rest of his estate to be equally divided. Overseers; sons Richard, Joshua and Benjamin PHILLIPS. Son Richard executor. 'My loving brother Henry PHILLIPS and my loving friends Thomas DYER and Jonas HUMPHREY" mentioned....
found on ancestry.com
Biographical Notes
My Grandfather Nicholas Phillips is my first ancestor to come to America from his native home in England; He was an English Puritan who came to the New World to work out his ideals in church and government;
“The Puritans of England wished to abolish the authority of the Episcopalian Church of England. They conflicted with Charles I, King of England (1625-49) in the laws regarding Taxation as well as their religion. Consequently, Nicholas Phillips’ family migrated to New England in search of new found freedoms from English Rule.
“The Phillips were early settlers of Weymouth, Massachusetts. The family was held in high regard in the town and in the Church. Nicholas Phillips was a religious man,a Deacon of the First congregational church of Weymouth. He first appears in New England as an inhabitant of Dedham with his brothers Henry Phillips and Martin Phillips; He was an inhabitant of Contentment (Dedham) before 18 August 1636”;
Our early Phillips families married into many of the families of the first five generations of settlers of Weymouth, Massachusetts; The Thomas Drake and Jane Holbrook families being one of the early families of Weymouth with which they were connected through marriage; Thomas Drake is my 7th Great Grandfather.
Nicholas Phillips was from Wendover, Buckinghamshire, England, and left his native English shores for New England Shores when just a young man, newly married.
The meager records that we searched so diligently for and finally found, are always printed in black and white, short and trite, giving no allowance for the smiles of joy and tears of sorrow that accompany the various records.
We do not know which boat our Nicholas Phillips family sailed on, but if we do ever find the record, it will be as I have described, black and white, short and trite, unable to give account for the well of emotions the family must have felt as they left their native land for an unknown land.
Our grandfather, Deacon Nicholas Phillips, must be distinguished from Nicholas Phillips of Boston who died 15 March 1669-70;
1611 WENDOVER, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, ENGLAND: Nicholas Phillips born about 1611. I have estimated this date. He held the title of Deacon; Source: Phillips Genealogy; Book: 929.273 P54 B2
1612 WENDOVER, BUCKINGHAM, ENGLAND: Elizabeth Jewson born about 1612. I have estimated her birth date; She is a daughter of Richard and Elizabeth (Kippling) Jewson who were married 29 March 1607 at Wendover parish, England. Source: Phillips Chronology; Book: 929. 273 P54 B2
1631 WENDOVER, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, ENGLAND: Marriage: Nicholas Phillips and Elizabeth Jewson married 26 June 1631. Sources: Genealogies of the Early Families of Weymouth, Massachusetts Genealogy of the Phillips Family.
As their boat sailed away from the shores of England that day, surely my grandmother, Elizabeth, was shedding tears of sorrow as she thought of loved ones and friends left behind. As a mother myself, I feel confident that her thoughts rested upon her first born, a baby girl, whom she named Elizabeth, no doubt after her or a close family member; Baby Elizabeth died before they left England. Surely my grandmother realized that she may never see the shores of England again, and surely, among her mixed emotions was the thought of the new little grave being left behind.
1632 WENDOVER, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, ENGLAND: (Child of Nicholas Phillips and Elizabeth Jewson) Elizabeth Phillips born about 1633. Elizabeth died young (in England). Source: Genealogies of the Early Families of Weymouth, Massachusetts
1634 WENDOVER, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, ENGLAND: (Child of Nicholas Phillips and Elizabeth Jewson)**Richard Phillips born about 1635 Richard and Mary Packard married about 1656
Richard is my progenitor in this family; He may have been born aboard the ship to New England.
The ship which carried our Phillips family no doubt docked in the Boston Harbor in 1634-35. But they did not stay long in Boston; he and Elizabeth and their infant son, my 8th great grandfather, Richard Phillips, first settled at Dedham, Massachusetts, located 9 miles southeast of Boston on the Charles River.
1635 DEDHAM, NORFOLK, MASSACHUSETTS: Court Session: 3 September 1635: The General Court of Massachusetts ordered that a plantation be set up about 2 miles above the falls of the Charles River.
Nicholas Phillips name is found with the signers of the petition. Sources: Genealogies of the Phillips Family; Genealogies of the Early Families of Weymouth, Massachusetts.
1636 DEDHAM, NORFOLK, MASSACHUSETTS: 16 August 1636, we find that Nicholas Phillips is a land owner in Dedham. Following is a description of part of his land holdings: “Twelve acres more or lesse as it lyeth between Ezechiell Hilliman towards ye East and Lambert Genere Towards ye West; And butts upon Charles River towards the north, and upon the Swampe and burying place, towards the South, the High Street through the same.”
Part of the Burying Ground in Dedham was a portion of Nicholas’s land in the original lotment.
(Child of Nicholas Phillips/Elizabeth Jewson) Alice Phillips born about 1636; died. Alice and John Shaw married by 1652. John is son of Abraham Shaw. Sources: Genealogies of the Early Families of Weymouth, Massachusetts; Genealogy of the Phillips Family.
23 March 1636/37: Nicholas Phillips was one the signers of the record of the first meeting held in Dedham.
18 August 1636: Deacon Nicholas Phillips had twelve acres of land granted to him. Source Dedham Town Records, 1: 20;
1637 DEDHAM, NORFOLK, MASSACHUSETTS: Town Meeting: 28 September 1637: At a town meeting on said date was held; At the meeting, it was decided to build a Meeting House; Nicholas Phillips was commissioned to fell the trees to make way for the building. He completed this task 28 August 1638; Sources: Genealogy of the Phillips Family; Genealogies of the Early Families of Weymouth, Massachusetts.
1638 DEDHAM, NORFOLK, MASSACHUSETTS: 6 February 1638: “Nicholas Phillips and Joseph Kingsberry, dow laye downe each of them to the towne one parcel of ye south end of their house lotts and betwixt the same and the swampe. Therly as it is at present set out for the use of a publike Buriall place for ye Towne for ever.”
(Son of Nicholas Phillips and Elizabeth Jewson) Caleb Phillips born 22 November 1638 Caleb died young.
In April of 1638 Nicholas “laid downe a Pacell of ground for a buriall place at Dedham." Source: Dedham Town Records;
28 August 1638: he was chosen to "mowe," gather up and bring home thatch for ye Meeting house." Sources: Genealogies of the Families of Weymouth, Massachusetts. Genealogy of the Phillips Family;
1639 DEDHAM, NORFOLK, MASSACHUSETTS: 1 August 1639: Nicholas sold his dwelling house, 2 acres of swamp and 4 acres of "medow"; Sources: Genealogies of the Early Families of Weymouth, Massachusetts; Genealogies of The Phillips Family
Thus we see Nicholas Phillips and family were preparing to leave Dedham; However, he was made a Freeman here in Dedham and left shortly after that event took place.
1640 DEDHAM, NORFOLK, MASSACHUSETTS: 13 May 1640: Nicholas Phillips took the "Freemans Oath”. “The religious and civil courts were kept busy making decisions and passing laws of the new Colony. Only an approved member became a voter in the elections of the members of the courts and could become a “Freeman”, which included approval of the church.
Our Nicholas Phillips family removed to Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts in 1640.
His land at Weymouth consisted of 13 acres on lot #3 and 39 acres of lot #2 located on Phillips Creek. Sources: Genealogies of the Early Families of Weymouth, Massachusetts; Genealogy of the Phillips Family.
1641 WEYMOUTH, NORFOLK, MASSACHUSETTS: 1 March 1641: Deacon Nicholas Phillips sold land he had purchased of Philemon Dalton to his brother Henry Phillips; Source: Dedham Town Records: 1: 84;
(Child of Nicholas Phillips and Elizabeth Jewson) Experience Phillips born 8 May 1641; died 21 January 1717. Experinece and Samuel King married 17 September 1658. Sources: Genealogy of the Phillips Family; Genealogies of the Early Families of Weymouth, Massachusetts.
1643 WEYMOUTH, NORFOLK, MASSACHUSETTS: (Child of Nicholas Phillips and Elizabeth Jewson) Caleb Phillips born 22 January 1643/44; died before 2 June 1671. Caleb is not mentioned in father's will; We conclude he must have died before the will was made;
1646 WEYMOUTH, NORFOLK, MASSACHUSETTS: 23 November 1646: Deacon Phillips was one of the Appraisers of the estate of William Brandon of Weymouth;Source. Genealogies of the Early Families of Weymouth, Massachusetts.
1647 WEYMOUTH, NORFOLK, MASSACHSUETTS: (Child of Nicholas Phillips and Elizabeth Jewson) Joshua Phillips born about 1647; died between 10 April and 2 May 1679. Joshua served in King Phillip’s War; He apparently never married; He made his will 10 April 1679, calling himself “32 years of age, or thereabouts.” He leaves to Joseph pool, to him, his family, and house, and his charge about me in my sickness, L3; To is sister Experience King year that I have at my brother Ebenezer White’s. To sister Hannah White “apparel, armes and ammunition.” Residue to be equally divided amongst my brothers and sisters and cousin Elizabeth poole. My brother Richard Phillips and Deacon Jonas Humphrey, were appointed executors of his will. Witness: Joseph Deyr and Ephraim Hunt; His will was probated 2 May 1679. Sources: Genealogy of the Phillips Family; Genealogies of the Early Families of Weymouth, Massachusetts.
1651 WEYMOUTH, NORFOLK, MASSACHUSETTS: 26 November 1651; The first town meeting of Weymouth took place; Among records it was voted “We do elet Nicholas Phillips, Thomas Dyer and Thomas White, raters, to make such rates as were needed for the town.”
1652 WEYMOUTH, NORFOLK, MASSACHUSETTS: (Child of Nicholas Phillips and Elizabeth Jewson) Hannah Phillips born 25 November 1652. Hannah and Lt. Ebenezer White married March 1671.
18 October 1652: Deacon Phillips was one of the appraisers of Dorthy Kings estate. Sources: Genealogies of the Early Families of Weymouth, Massachusetts; Genealogy of the Phillips Family.
1654 WEYMOUTH, NORFOLK, MASSACHSUETTS: (Child of Nicholas Phillips and Elizabeth Jewson) Benjamin Phillips born 1654; died 13 February 1687. Benjamin/Ann married (date unknown) Source: Genealogy of the Phillips Family. Benjamine was called "Third son" in his father's will. He was admitted to the First Church of Charlestown 3 April 1680. He was a ship-carpenter and died at Charlestown "in middleage." His wife Anne married 3 February 1696, Benjamin Lawrence of Charlestown. Source: Genealogies of the Early Families of Weymouth, Massachusetts.
1656 WEYMOUTH, NORFOLK, MASSACHUSETTS; (Son) Richard and Mary Packard married 1656/57. Sources Genealogies of the Early Families of Weymouth, Massachusetts; Genealogy of the Phillips Family;
1660 WEYMOUTH, NORFOLK, MASSACHUSETTS: (Child of Nicholas Phillips and Elizabeth Jewson) Abigail Phillips born about 1660, died 19 September 1724, Abigail and John Blanchard married 16848 February 1660: Nicholas Phillips was called Deacon Phillips of the First Congregational Church at Weymouth. Sources: Genealogy of Phillips Family; Genealogies of the Early Families of Weymouth, Massachusetts;
1663 WEYMOUTH, NORFOLK, MASSACHUSETTS: 1 December 1663: "Deacon Phillips received thiiteen acres in the First Division and thirty-nine acres in the Second Division of land in Weymouth. His lands were adjoining the lands of Martin Phillips, his brother.
1671 WEYMOUTH, NORFOLK, MASSACHUSETTS: Will: Dated 2 June 1671: “Nicholas Phillips of Weymouth, “age Sixty yeares or thereabouts having a very weake body,” made his will which was proved 3 October 1672. To eldest son Richard Phillips the marsh which is now in his possession. To his three sons Richard Joshua and Benjamin Phillips his wearing apparel. To second son Joshua Phillips l6. To third son Benjamin Philips L6; To eldest daughter Alice Shaw l10; to my six younger children, viz., Joshua Phillips, Benjamin Phillips, Alice Shaw, Experience King, Hannah White, and Abigail Phillips, the rest of his estate to equally divided. Overseers; sons: Richard, Joshua and Benjamin Phillips. Son Richard Phillips, exeitor. “my loving brother Henry Phillips and my loving friends Thomas Dyer and Jonas Humphrey” mentioned; Witnesses: Elizabeth Shaw and Thomas Dyer, Jr. Nicholas Phillips mentions Alice as his eldest daughter because his little daughter Elizabeth, who was actually his eldest daughter, was deceased prior to the family coming to America; Elizabeth, wife of Nicholas is not named in his will. she preceded him in death.
1672 WEYMOUTH, NORFOLK, MASSACHUSETTS: Deacon Nicholas Phillips died September 1672. 3 October 1672: The Inventory of his estate was taken by William Totey, Thomas Dyer and Jonas Humphrey; Among the items mentioned were “bookes in leather and 7 pamphlets,” L 202s, total L257 11s; Presented by Richard Phillips as the estate of his late father Nicholas Phillips;
No more is known of Nicholas Phillips family at this writing
found on ancestry.com
Nicholas Jewson and familyTHE NICHOLAS PHILLIPS FAMILY
NICHOLAS PHILLIPS born about 1611, died Weymouth, Massachusetts between 2 June 1671 and 7 September 1672, married Wendover, Buckinghamshire, England 26 June 1631 ELIZABETH JEWSON, baptized Wendover, England 29 November 1612.
Nicholas Phillips was a resident of Dedham (then known as Contentment) in the Massachusetts Bay Colony by August 18, 1636 for on that day he was granted 12 acres of land there.[2/3:20] He had probably moved there within the year as he was not listed as an attendee of the first town meeting, held September 1, 1635, but was for subsequent ones. The 12 acres bordered the Charles River and, interestingly enough, the land of Ezekiel Holliman, who is possibly an ancestor in the Westcott line. Ezekiel moved to Providence by 1637 and joined in founding the first Baptist Church in America. In November of 1637 Nicholas and three others were commissioned to fell trees for a meeting house.[2/3:39] He was also chosen on August 28, 1638 to mow, gather up, and bring in thatch for the meeting house.[2/3:48]
On August 1, 1639 Nicholas sold his Dedham land and no longer attended town meetings after that date. This is probably about the time he removed to the nearby town of Weymouth. He became a freeman on May 13, 1640. By February 8, 1660 Nicholas Phillips had become a deacon in the First Congregational Church in Weymouth. The fact that he was such an active and respected member in the church suggests that he may have come to this country for religious freedom. It may also give the reason he left Dedham. It is known that Ezekiel Holliman left Massachusetts because of its religious intolerance. Dedham may not have been to Nicholas' liking. Martin Phillips had also moved from Dedham to Weymouth and was a neighbor to Nicholas in the latter town. Martin may have been a brother to Nicholas as was Henry Phillips who remained in Dedham.[3] Nicholas promised part of his lot to Martin,[2/3:33] which is a very good indication of a family relationship. Nicholas sold some of his land to Henry Phillips.[2/3:84]
The name of Nicholas' wife was Elizabeth. This fact is established from a record in which Elizabeth Phillips, the wife of Nicholas Phillips of Weymouth, acknowledges before the commissioners appointed to end small causes her consent to her husband's sale of a house and several parcels of land to Francis Smyth of Hingham. Dated "11th day of the Sixth month 1651 in the presence of John Whitman, Thomas Dyer, Willm Torrey Commissioners". She signed with E P as a mark.[5/63:298] This appears to be the only existant record in which she is mentioned.
Elizabeth's surname may have been Jewson as a marriage was recorded between Nicholas Phillips and Elizabeth Jewson on June 26, 1631 in Wendover, Buckinghamshire, England.[4/2:6] It is not known from where in England the immigrant ancestor Nicholas Phillips came, but in his will Nicholas mentioned his loving friend Jonas Humphrey. Jonas was the son of another ancestor, Jonas Humphrey, who came from Wendover. The evidence, other than names, linking Nicholas of Wendover with Nicholas of Massachusetts is therefore very weak. In addition, Nicholas and Elizabeth of Wendover had a daughter Elizabeth born in 1633, but Nicholas of Dedham did not have a daughter of this name. She may have died young however. The births of several Phillips children were recorded in Wendover in the early 1600s, the time frame for Nicholas' birth. However neither Nicholas' nor his brother's name is among them. In fact, Sarah Phillips was baptised in 1611, the year that Nicholas is presumed to have been born. Further research needs to be done in this area as Nicholas and his brothers might be found in a nearby town which would solidify the connection. Elizabeth's parents were Richard Jewson and Elizabeth Kipping who married October 29, 1607. In addition to Elizabeth they were the parents of Helen, baptrized September 22, 1611, Mary, baptized March 26, 1615, and Sarah, baptized July 28, 1620.[4]
Nicholas was probably born about 1611 as he made his will June 2, 1671 "age about Sixty Yeares or theirabout".[1/7:248] He died prior to September 7, 1672 when the inventory of the estate was taken, which amounted to 257.11.6 and was presented by his son Richard on October 3, 1672.[1/7:250] In the will he mentioned his sons in order: Richard, Joshua, and Benjamin. He also mentioned his daughters Alice Shaw, Experience King, Hannah White, and Abigail Phillips and "My loving brother Henry Phillips and my loving friends Thomas Dyer and Jonas Humphrey".[1]
REF: [1] Suffolk County Probate (Docket 610)
[2] Dedham Town Records, 1892
[3] The History of Weymouth - George Chamberlain, 1923 (pgs.464-5)
[4] Buckinghamshire Parish Registers - W. Phillimore, 1904
[5] New England Historic Genealogical Register, 1909 (pg.298)
1. Richard, "eldest son" on 2 June 1671, died Weymouth, Massachusetts 1695, married(1) Mary Packard, married(2) Elizabeth (Edson) Kingman (daughter Samuel Edson and Susanna)
2. Alice, baptized about 1632, died after 17 October 1704, married about 1651 John Shaw, baptized Halifax, Yorkshire, England 23 May 1630, died Weymouth, Massachusetts 16 September 1704
3. Experience, born Weymouth, Massachusetts 8 May 1641, married Weymouth 17 September 1658 Samuel King
4. Caleb, born Weymouth 22 January 1643, probably died before 2 June 1671
5. Joshua, born about 1647, died Weymouth 1679 Benjamin, died Charlestown, Massachusetts 13 February 1687, married Anne ___
6. Hannah, married 1671 Ebenezer White of Weymouth (son of Thomas White), born 1648
7. Abigail, married probably about 1684 John Blanchard of Weymouth
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Further Information About Nicholas Phillips
Nicholas Phillips was living in Dedham, Massachusetts in 1638, and as he and Elizabeth Jensen were married in England in June of 1632, he must have come to America some time between 1632 and 1638. It was in Dedham, along the Charles River, that Nicholas Phillips and his family took up farmland along the Charles River.
In 1635 there had been rumors in the Massachusetts Bay Colony that a war with the local Indians was impending and a fear arose that the few, small, coastal communities that existed were in danger of attack. This, in addition to the belief that the few towns that did exist were too close together, prompted the Massachusetts General Court to establish two new inland communities. The towns of Dedham and Concord, Massachusetts were thus established to relieve the growing population pressure and to place communities between the larger, more established coastal towns and the Indians further west.
Dedham was settled in the summer of 1636 on what the Indians called Tio by "about thirty families excised from the broad ranks of the English middle classes traveling up the Charles River from Roxbury and Watertown traveling in rough canoes carved from felled trees. The town was named for Dedham, Essex, in England, where some of the original inhabitants had been born. They devised a form of government in which almost every freeman could participate and eventually chose selectmen to run the affairs of the town. They then formed a church and nearly every family had at least one member. [Historical information from Wikipedia]
However, Nicholas eventually moved to Wessagusset (Weymouth ) and settled there. He was made Freeman of the Massachusetts Bay Colony charter in 1640, elected Commissioner in 1643, and later elected church Deacon in 1660.
He died in Weymouth, and his will of 2 June 1671 (proved 3 October 1672), names his eldest son Richard as executor, but Nicholas wished his brother Henry, Richard's uncle, to act as overseer. (See the History of Weymouth and the Gustin-Carlisle Genealogy. Quoted from Phillips Genealogy.) The estate was divided among all his living children.
found on ancestry.com
Ancestry of Nicholas Phillps.
Taken from Ancestry.com. Bassett-Preston Ancestors: a History of the Ancestors in America of Marion Bassell Luitwerler, Howard Murray Bassett Preston (data base on-line)
Phillips Page 209-210
Nicholas Phillips,a pioneer at Dedham, Massachusetts -1636 was one of the men appointed to govern the town, 1636-39. In 1636, He gave to Dedham its first burying ground. He moved to Weymouth, 1648, and to Boston in 1651. A butcher; freeman, 1640.
He married in Wendover, England, 1631, Elizabeth Jenson (Jewson?) and he married second, January 4, 1651, Hannah Salter. His will, dated June 2, 1671, proved October 2, 1672, mentions daughter, Alice Shaw. He died September 1672. His brother Henry of Dedham, died 1686; married 1639, Elizabeth Brock; (2) 1641, married Ann Hunting; (3) 1656, Mary Dwight (John)
l. Richard, died 1695. Married about 1656 to Mary Packard (father Samuel), (2) about 1693, Married Elizabeth ( father Edson)) Kingman.
2. Alice, married 1655, John Shaw (father Abraham)
3. Experience, born May 8, 1641, died 1718, married 1658, to Samuel King.
4. Caleb, born January 22, 1644
5. Joshua, died April 1679
6. Benjamin, died 1687, married Anne__________'
7. Hannah, born November 25, 1654, married Ebenezer White (father Thomas) or Thomas Pemberton.
8. Nicholas, born May 12, 1660, died 1661.
9. Abigail, born February 20, 1661 - perhaps she was who married John Blanchard.
10. Elizabeth, born February 20, 1662
11. Sarah, born May 6, 1666
12. Thomas, born October 9, 1667
References: Pioneers of Massachusetts. Pope, 1900, and Phillips Genealogies, 1885
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