Birth: 1643, Massachusetts, USA
Death: January 2, 1696, North Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island, USA
When Gov. Andros took over the King's Province in 1687, he levied taxes on the inhabitants of Kingstown, renamed Rochester. Included in the list were Francis Wast senior, Francis Wast junior, and Richard Wast. Only Francis senior had a rate, that of 2 shillings 1 pence. The children of this family have been difficult to trace. Francis, Susannah, and Martha remained in the Kingstown, Rhode Island, area; William removed to Newport, Rhode Island, probably after the death of his first wife; Clement moved to Charlestown, Rhode Island, and then disappears from Rhode Island records, perhaps moving to Dutchess County, New York; Richard returned to Plymouth and Bristol County, living in Middleboro and Taunton. We have not found Peter, John nor Thomas.This family name has a variety of spellings in the public records: WAST, WEST, WASTE, WEAST being common variants. Of the four "West" families in Plymouth Colony only this family has its surname used in forms other than WEST suggesting that the original name, while phonetically similar, was distinct from West. Some of Susanna's children are identified in the Samuel West Memorandum Book published in the 'Mayflower Descendant'.
Burial:Body lost or destroyed
Specifically: location unknown
Francis West Information
Note: From 'Mayflower Families....': Francis and Susanna and family 'resided in that part of Kings Towne, R.I. which became North Kingstown in 1722/3. We have been unable to find place or date of birth, date of death or parentage for Francis. 'When Gov. Andros took over the King's Province in 1687, he levied taxes on the inhabitants of Kingstown, renamed Rochester. Included in the list were Francis Wast senior, Francis Wast junior, and Richard Wast. Only Francis senior had a rate, that of 2 shillings 1 pence. The children of this family have been difficult to trace. Francis, Susannah, and Martha remained in the Kingstown, R.I., area; William removed to Newport, R.I., probably after the death of his first wife. Clement moved to Charlestown, R.I., and then disappears from R.I. records, perhaps moving to Dutchess County, N.Y. Richard returned to Plymouth and Bristol County, living in Middleboro and Taunton. We have not found Peter, John, nor Thomas. This family name has a variety of spellings in the public records: WAST, WEST, WASTE, WEAST being common variants. Of the four 'West' families in Plymouth Colony only this family has its surname used in forms other than WEST suggesting that the original name, while phonetically similar, was distinct from West. Some of Susanna's children are identified in the Samuel West Memorandum Book published in the 'Mayflower Descendant'.' The memorandum book of Samuel West published in 'Mayflower Desc.' V. 26 says 'My great grandfather Francis West came from Europe to America soon after the first settlement at Plymouth and soon after his arrival he married a young lady by the name of Sole, daughter of Mr. George Sole...by whom he had seven sons and daughters. His sons names were Francis, Thomas, Peter, William, Richard, Clemment and John. His daughters names were Martha & Susanna. Martha married a Fones by whom she had children. Susanna married a Barber by whom she had a number of sons & daughters.'
Note: (Research):!There is no FGRA sheet for Francis West although one is indicated on the FGRA sheet of George Soule. His name is on the Crapo Family Organization pedigree compiled by Mrs. Dorothy D. Hall (now deceased). This had sources: 'Mayflower Families Through Five Generations' V. 3; Memorandum Book of Samuel West, grandson of Wm., son of Francis, published in 'Mayflower Desc.' V. 26; Vital Records of Plymouth, Plymouth, Mass., in 'Mayflower Desc.' V. 14. 'Mayflower Families...' says 'We have been unable to find place or date of birth, date of death or parentage for Francis.' A family group sheet of Matthew West of Newport, Newport, R. I., in the FGRA collection of the Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, shows Francis who married Susanna Soule as sixth son. It was submitted by Mrs. Emma P. Walton, Centervile, Utah. Her sources were 'West Family reg B9 E 1 p 402; Allred Families B2F1C; B12E9; Mayflower Descendents Am Pub A Vol 26; Conn S11'. Matthew is also given as father in 'Genealogy of George West and James R. Kimble' by A. L. Pino, (FHL 929.273 W52p), references, 'State Gen. Library, Albany, New York: Historical Society Record, Wayne Co. N. Y. ; and Records in possession of Maud Clossen', and in 'History of Stonington, New London, Conn.' by R. A. Wheeler, 1900 (FHL 974.65/S1 D2w, also on films 847758 and 900000) Richley Crapo, 654 E. 1980 N., North Logan, Utah 84341-1933, wonders if Francis might be the son of Francis West and Margery Reeves. He says the records he has seen of Francis and Margery do not include a son Francis, however there are some interesting facts about them that leads him to suspect that he might be their first child. According to Attendants' Court records published in Shurtleff's 'Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England' Francis and Margery were married 27 Feb 1639/40 and they were convicted about nine months later, on 17 Nov 1640, of 'incontenency with one another before marriage' and were apparently of Duxbury, where Francis was required to build some stocks within the following three months. Their residence at Duxbury would have made them neighbors of George Soule, father of Suzannah, who was wife of our Francis. Richley says that Francis and Margery's first recorded child in all sources he has seen was Samuel, who was born in 1643. He states that there is clearly room for an earlier child and says 'Unfortunately, the court record gives no particulars about the reason for the charges brought against Francis and Margery. They might, of course, have been accused by someone, but why so long afterwards? Such accusations were not uncommon and the most common reason was the birth of a full-term child too early after the marriage ceremony. If our Francis, named for his father, was the source of the legal accusation all the loose ends are neatly tied together.' He notes that this may prove impossible to document, unless the father's will could be found. The LDS Ancestral File has another wife for Francis who married Susanna Soule. It is Elizabeth Soule Jr., daughter of George Soule and Mary Bucket or Becket. It has Francis Walker as Elizabeth's first spouse and Francis John West as second spouse, married about 1680. However, it has Francis' first wife as Susanna Soule and her death 1707. 'Mayflower Families....' shows Elizabeth with only the one marriage to Francis Walker who died 1702 and quotes a 1668 deed to 'Francis Walker, husband to my daughter Elizabeth.' LDS proxy baptism and endowment for Francis Waste are from the Temple Records Index Bureau, proxy sealing to parents was on the FGRA sheet of Matthew West, 25 Aug 1958 SLAKE. It is in the LDS IGI but there is an earlier one to Mathew West and Mrs., 9 Jun 1948 ARIZO. There are also sealings to Francis West and Margery Reeves, the earliest 31Mar 1992 JRIVE, and one to Francis West and 'TBD', 3 Jul 1993 WASHI. There were also proxy sealings to Mr. and Mrs. Waste 28 Aug 1997 IFALL, and to Mr. and Mrs. West 21 Oct 1988 OGDEN. Proxy sealing of marriage is from Salt Lake Temple sealing record film 184691.
susasouladded this on 3 Feb 2009
found on ancestry.com
West Surname DNA Project
West Family Group 20 W76 and W105 match on 34 of 37 markers, with a genetic distance of 5. They descend from Francis WEST, born about 1631, England, who married Susannah SOULE. W76 probably descends from Francis' son Francis WEST, and W105 descends from William WEST, another son of Francis. W126 was added to this group on 26 January 2007. He descends from Clement WEST, youngest son of Francis WEST and Susannah SOULE. We now have matching DNA profiles from 3 of the 5 sons of Francis and Susannah SOULE WEST, and can estimate the modal haplotype. W141 descends from Richard WASTE, son of Francis WEST/WASTE. The WASTE spelling was retained in his line to the present generation. We now have DNA representing 4 of the 5 known sons of Francis WEST and Susannah SOULE. DNA testing has resolved the question of whether Francis WEST who married Margery REEVES (West Family group 19) is related to the Francis WEST who married Susannah SOULE. The DNA evidence tells us those two men are probably not related, thru the direct paternal line, within a genealogical time period. There has been conjecture that Francis WEST was the son of Matthew WEST, and brother of Bartholomew WEST. A DNA test of a descendent of Bartholomew has been completed (W154), and that DNA profile does not match the DNA of the descendents of Francis WEST/Susannah SOULE. Until additional information is found, this group is assuming that Francis was not a son of Matthew WEST.
found on ancestry.com
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