[Ancestral Link: Lura Minnie Parker (Stagge), daughter of Minnie May Elmer (Parker), daughter of Mark Alfred Elmer, son of William Elmer, son of Sarah Peak (Elmer), daughter of Joanna Ellingwood (Peake), daughter of Jonathan Ellingwood, son of Benjamin Ellingwood, son of Ralph Ellingwood.]
Ralph came to America on the ship TruLove in 1635
found on ancestry.com
Truelove Passenger List
On September 19, 1635 the Truelove departed London for New England
(Passenger count was listed as 66, but there are 67 names listed.)
Jo Gibbs, Master September 19, 1635 To New England
Passenger Name Age
Beeresto, William 23
Beeresto, George 21
Bentley, Alice 15
Bentley, Jo 17
Bentley, William 47
Blackwell, Jeremy 18
Blower, Thomas 50
Brighton, Thomas 31
Broome, Roger 17
Browne, Robert 24
Burchard, Thomas 40 Laborer
Burchard, Mary 38
Burchard, Elizabeth 13
Burchard, Marie 12
Burchard, Sara 9
Burchard, Suzan 8
Burchard, Jo 7
Burchard, Ann 18 months
Done, John 16
Ellwood, Ralph 28
Fenner, Rabecca 25
Ganter [or Gunter], Lester 13
Grover, Samuel 16
Haile, Sarah 11
Hawes, Richard 29
Hawes, Ann 26
Hawes, Anna 2-1/2
Hawes, Obediah 6 months
Howe, Edward 60 Husbandman
Howe, Elizabeth 50
Howe, Jeremie 21
Howe, Sara 12
Howe, Ephraim 9
Howe, Isack 7
Howe, William 6
Ives, William - listed as "Joes, William"
Jenkins, Elizabeth 27
Jeofferies, Edward 24
Joes, William ......(Ancestor) 28
Killinghall, Margaret 20
Lowe, Dorothie 13
Morrey, George 23
Parrie, Edward 24
Place, Peter 20
Preston, William 44
Preston, Marie 34
Preston, Elizabeth 11
Preston, Sara 8
Preston, Marie 6
Preston, Jo 3
Rumball, Thomas 22
Sedgwick, Jo 24
Simpson, Jo 30
Srayne, Richard 34
Stockton, Thomas 21
Streme, Jo 14
Streme, Thomas 15
Tayler, George 31
Tibbalds, Thomas 20
Tomkins, Ralph 50
Tomkins, Katherine 58 (wife)
Tomkins, Elizabeth 18
Tomkins, Marie 14
Tomkins, Sammuel 22
Walston, Jane 19
Whitman, Zacharia 40
Whitman, Sara 25
Whitman, Zacharia 2-1/2
found on ancestry.com
Notes for Ralph Ellingwood: Ralph Ellingwood came to America in 1635 on the ship "Truelove" as a "planter, aged 28. Ralph Ellenwood settled first at Salem, Massachusetts; later he removed to Beverly. He married at Salem March 14, 1655, Helen Lyn, who, says F. E. Crowell, Boston Genealogist, was probably his second wife. He deposed in 1669-70 that he was about 60 years old and dated January 7, 1673, appoints his widow executrix and names their children: Ralph (born March 18, 1657), John (born July 2,1659), Joseph (born 18,3 mo.1662), Mary (born 3,2 mo. 1664), Elizabeth (born June 27, 1666), Benjamin (born 1,2 mo. 1668) and David (born July 6, 1670).
Ralph Ellenwood in 1675 was of the Beverly contingent in the expedition against the Indians. When the first church of Beverly was organized in 1667, Ralph Ellenwood was among the members.
Ralph Ellenwood from England
Born: 1607 England
Will: 07-January-1673
Died: Spring of 1674 Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts
Spouse1: Elizabeth ?? F. -
Spouse2: Ellen Lynn "Ellenor" F.1637-1695
Married: 14-March-1654/1655 Beverly, Massachusetts
Born: 1637 Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts
Died: 1695 Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts
Some very good sources give the last name as Ellingwood. Ralph was in Salem, Massachusetts in 1637. He came from England on the ship TRUELOVE in September-1635 when he was 28 years old. He settled at first in Salem and later moved to Beverly, Massachusetts. Ellen's name is sometimes given as Helen Lyn. She was probably his second wife. He deposed in 1669/70 that his age was about 60 and that his wife's age was about 33. He died in the Spring of 1674. His will was dated 07-January-1673. His will named his wife as executor and named their children. Ralph in 1675 was in the Beverly contingent in an expedition against the Indians. He was a founding member of the first church of Beverly organized in 1667.
The following is a transcript of his will from Ellenwood--Wharton and Twenty Five Allied Families, page 25. January 7th. 1673(4).
The last will and testament of Ralph Ellinwood who being weecke in body but of a good memory first I Count my body to the earth and my Soule to God that gave it. Secondly I make Helen my wife my lawful executrix and to make use of all my estate to bring up our Children in the feare of the Lord. Thirdly I make my son Ralph my lawful heire after his mothers decease but when he is come to the age of twenty one years he is to have the ten akres which was formerly old Robert Holtons lot and that our son Ralph is to pay to our other four sons as namely John Joseph Benjamin and David and our two daughters Mary and Elizabeth each and either of them an equal portion only Ralph a double portion according as the estate is prised to be paide as each comes to age only I alow my wife hir thirds dureing the terms of hit life and after hir decease equally her thirds are to be devided amongst our sons and daughters that then doe survive."
Witness: Thomas Pickton and his wife Ann.
Proved in Salem court 3; 5m; 1674 by Tho. and Ann Picton.
The Inventory of the Estate was made 30 January 1673-4, so he died soon after making the will.
from the website http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~dsinclair/ellingwood/ralphellinwood.htm
Ralph is thought to be the same person as Ralph "Ellwood,"(1) a 28-year-old who came to Salem, Massachusetts, on the ship Truelove which set sail on 19 September and arrived in November of 1635. Ellwood, Ellinwood and Ellenwood, etc., are other spellings in early records. Many people at this time were illiterate - even those who could sign their names - so determining exactly what the surname was in England is impossible. The family settled on variations of Ellinwood.
Ralph was in a 1637 division of marsh and meadow at Salem, given one-half acre for a family of two, indicating that he married Elizabeth between this event and his arrival in Massachusetts.
(1) Her first name is known from a deposition she made in 1641.(2) Ralph was elected a fence viewer for Salem on 4 April 1640, but his name is crossed out in the record.(4) He probably didn't serve. An inquest was ordered in 1644 when a servant of Ralph's was found dead.(5) Ralph was admitted to the Salem church in 21 March 1646/47 and "Goodwife," presumably Elizabeth, joined on 13 August 1648 (New Style date?).(6) Early in 1652/53 Robert "Gowing" sold Ralph his houses in Wenham, with 8 acres adjoining and common land associated with them, 10 acres "on the neck," and 1 acres of meadow "in Great Meadow near the Island."(7) Later in the same year Ralph, "planter," sold to Francis Skerry 1 acre near Ipswich ferry.(8) In January of 1660 (New Style) the Town of Salem agreed with Ralph to keep a poor woman named Sarah Lambert for 2 years, £10 a year, and the use of some "waste land." It is supposedly this land that he and his family settled on in what became the town of Beverly. His son Ralph's birth is recorded in the Beverly vital records (1657), but his son Stephen (baptized 1656) is not, suggesting a move around 1656-57. Ralph owned land and it is more likely that the "wast land" that he could use (there is no mention that it was deeded to him) was somewhere in Salem.
Ralph and Eleanor were among the founding members of the Beverly church, Ralph appearing on a petition dated 23 April 1667 to present "our desires to be a church of our selves" in what was known as Bass River.(9) Ralph and Eleanor appear in various court records. Ralph was charged with trespass by Richard Hollingsworth in 1638;(10) with "absence from watch," which was not proved, in 1642,(11) with insufficient fences in 1647,(12) with putting his cattle in the general field in 1649,(13) and, with John Smith, carting dung away from John Knight’s land in 1673.(14) Ralph and Eleanor were involved in a case of slander that was typical of the time.(15) Mary (Dixy), wife of Hugh Woodberry, accused Richard Stackhouse of calling her a "filthy, bob-tailed sow" and that he would "stab her and stamp her fine as the earth." In such cases others were called to testify. Ralph said that Stackhouse called him and Eleanor "rogue and baud." Henry Baily said Stackhouse "abused him with words," calling him a "knave," among other things. Thomas Tuck and Samuel Corning (another Ellingwood ancestor) testified that they overheard Stackhouse slander Ralph and Eleanor. Stackhouse's daughter testified that Mary Woodberry gave her "abusive speeches" and hit her with a broom. Eleanor is called Ellen in her marriage record, but her son Benjamin named his first daughter Eleanor and she is "Ellenor" in Ralph's probate paper is. She may have been a daughter of Henry and Sarah Linn/Lynn. Three of their children were baptized by their widowed and remarried mother, Mrs. Sarah Gunison, in 1647 at First Church, Boston (now Dorchester), the oldest born in 1638. Perhaps Eleanor was an older sister baptized in England. Her last child was born in 1670, so she may have been born about 1628-30. A court record dated 29 September 1669 gives the ages of Ralph and Eleanor as about "three score" and about 33 respectively.(16) Ralph's age given on the ship list is probably more accurate and puts the court record off by two years. Court depositions were often inaccurate by larger margins. The court record places Eleanor's birth before those of Henry Lynn's known children, and if the margin of error for her age is similar to Ralph's, she may have been born before 1635, when many settlers arrived from England in the Winthrop Fleet.
Inventory of the estate of Ralf Ellinwood of Beverly, taken January 30, 1673, by Henery Skerry, sr., Tho. Rootes and John Massey: The lot commonly called Molton's lot, with the building, orcharding, etc., 135li.; plowabell Land, pasture, with part of the orchard, 130li.; 1 Cowes, 7li. 10s.; 2 Heffers with Calf, 5h. 10s.; 2 Oxen, 8li. 10s.; 1 Calfe, 1li.; 1 mare & to No. mare Colts, 3li.; 15 sheepe, with theare lambs, 7li. 10s.; 4 swine & 3 pigs, 3li. 5s.; 6 Loads of haye, 6li.; A Beed part Fethers & partt Flockes with 3 Fether pillowes with a bolster & Covering 3li. 10s.; a flock bed with 3 blancitts, 1li. 10s.; 20 Bushels of Ingen Corne, 3li.; 15 Bushels of barly, 2li.; 2 bushels of peese, 8s.; 8 Flitches of Bacon, 3li. 10s.; 2 bushels of Ry, 7s.; 30li. of sheeps wooll, ili. 10s.; 16li. of hempe, 8s.; 10li. of flax, 10s.; Chaines & Fetters & horse Trases, 16s.; Cart & wheles with a Cops & bolt with plow lornes, 2li.; 3 Boxes For wheeles, 5s.; 6li. wedges, 2s.; axes & hoes, 8s.; 2 hacks & 1 pare of Fiar Tongs, 10s.; 2 Akers of Salt marsh Ground Laying to the Common, ili.; 3 Iorne pots and a Scel-lett, 15s.; warming pan, 10s.; a brace Cettell & scellitt, ili. 10s.; a barrell of a Gun, 3s.; 5 puter platters & an old pott & porrenger, 1li. 2s.; half a barrel of mackrell, 9s.; 10 bushels of Turnups, 10s.; 1 barrell & half of sider, iSs.; 3 spining wheels, 10s.; 2 Chests, 15s.; 20li. of Cheese, 6s. 8d.; 8noi. of Cotten yearne, 16s.; woodden dishes & boles & earthen platters, 5s.; 2 old siths & 2 Repe hooks, 4s.; a sider prees & pounding Troff, ili.; a connew, l0s.; 4 old bibels & sume other books, 18s.; 4 pare of sheets with pillo bears and Tabell clothes, 4oi.; 5 yeards of home maide wollen Cloth, 1li.; mony, 3s.; a towell, is. 6d.; his best suite of home spun Cloth, 3li.; 2 wascots, a Cote an drawers, ili. 5s.; his stockens, shewes, & hats, 1li.; 3 shirts & neck clothes, lii. l0s.; 3 chaires, 5s.; total, 351li. 11s. 1d. Attested 3: Sm: 1673 by Ellenor, the widow of the deceased. (17)
Children of Ralph and Elizabeth Ellinwood:
Josiah born 26 March 1644 (Salem vital records)
James children of Ralph and Eleanor (Lynn) Ellinwood: Stephen baptized 16 January 1656
Ralph born 18 March 1657
John born 2 July 1659
Joseph born 12 March 1661/62, died young
Mary born 3 February 1663/64
Elizabeth born 27 June 1666, died young?
Benjamin born 2 January 1667/68
David born 6 July 1670
Regarding his death, Ralph’s will was written on the former date and his inventory was taken on the latter. Essex County, Massachusetts, probate file #8710. His second marriage appears in the Salem, Massachusetts, vital records (from an Essex County Quarterly Court record): "Raluph Elenwood and Ellen Lyn." 1. a hyphen over a letter usually indicates a contraction. 2. 25 December 1637; Town Records of Salem, Massachusetts (hereafter TRS),1: . 3. 29 June 1641; Essex County Quarterly Court Files (hereafter EQC), 1:28; . 4. TRS, 1: . 5. 27 August 1633; EQC, 1:71. 6. 7. 24 January 1653/54, Essex Co. deed book 1:17. 8. 9. 22 June 1653, Essex Co. deed book 1:18. 10. 25 October 1638; EQC, 1:10. 11. 28 February 1642/43; EQC, 1:50. 12. The fences were "next the corn field on Cape An side." EQC, 1:152. 13. He was fined "for a pound breach." EQC, 1:180. 14. 15. 13 May 1660; EQC, 1:18. 16. 29 September 1669; EQC, 4:216. 17. EQC, 22:6-7.
Children of Ralph Ellingwood and Helen Unknown are:
i. Stephen Ellingwood, born Before 16 March 1655/56; died Before 07 January 1673/74.
ii. Ralph Ellingwood, born 18 March 1657/58; married Martha Rowlandson 21 August 1691; born About 1623 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts; died July 1712 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts.
iii. John Ellingwood, born 02 July 1659 in Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts; married Elizabeth Rowlandson 08 January 1684/85 in Marblehead, Essex County, Massachusetts.
iv. Joseph Ellingwood, born 12 May 1662 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts.
v. Mary Ellingwood, born 03 April 1664 in Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts; died 04 April 1750 in Middleborough, Massachusetts; married John Smith; died 16 November 1727 in Middleborough, Massachusetts.
vi. Elizabeth Ellingwood, born 27 June 1666 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts.
vii. Sarah Ellingwood, born Before 07 August 1666 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts; died Before 07 January 1673/74 in Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts.
viii. Benjamin Ellenwood, born 01 April 1668 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts; died 28 March 1731 in Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts; married Mary 1688.
ix. David Ellingwood, born 06 July 1670 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts.
found on ancestry.com
Ralph is thought to be the same person as Ralph "Ellwood,"(1) a 28-year-old who came to Salem, Massachusetts, on the ship Truelove which set sail on 19 September and arrived in November of 1635. Ellwood, Ellinwood and Ellenwood, etc., are other spellings in early records. Many people at this time were illiterate - even those who could sign their names - so determining exactly what the surname was in England is impossible. The family settled on variations of Ellinwood. Ralph was in a 1637 division of marsh and meadow at Salem, given one-half acre for a family of two, indicating that he married Eleanor between this event and his arrival in Massachusetts.(1) Her first name is known from a deposition she made in 1641.(2) Ralph was elected a fence viewer for Salem on 4 April 1640, but his name is crossed out in the record.(4) He probably didn't serve. An inquest was ordered in 1644 when a servant of Ralph's was found dead.(5) Ralph was admitted to the Salem church in 21 March 1646/47 and "Goodwife," presumably Eleanor, joined on 13 August 1648 (New Style date?).(6)
Early in 1652/53 Robert "Gowing" sold Ralph his houses in Wenham, with 8 acres adjoining and common land associated with them, 10 acres "on the neck," and 1 acres of meadow "in Great Meadow near the Island." (7) Later in the same year Ralph, "planter," sold to Francis Skerry 1 acre near Ipswich ferry.(8) In January of 1660 (New Style) the Town of Salem agreed with Ralph to keep a poor woman named Sarah Lambert for 2 years, £10 a year, and the use of some "waste land." It is supposedly this land that he and his family settled on in what became the town of Beverly. His son Ralph's birth is recorded in the Beverly vital records (1657), but his son Stephen (bap. 1656) is not, suggesting a move around 1656-57. Ralph owned land and it is more likely that the "wast land" that he could use (there is no mention that it was deeded to him) was somewhere in Salem. Ralph and Eleanor were among the founding members of the Beverly church, Ralph appearing on a petition dated 23 April 1667 to present "our desires to be a church of our selves" in what was known as Bass River.(9)
Ralph and Eleanor appear in various court records. Ralph was charged with trespass by Richard Hollingsworth in 1638;(10) with "absence from watch," which was not proved, in 1642,(11) with insufficient fences in 1647,(12) with putting his cattle in the general field in 1649,(13) and, with John Smith, carting dung away from John Knight’s land in 1673.(14) Ralph and Eleanor were involved in a case of slander that was typical of the time.(15) Mary (Dixy), wife of Hugh Woodberry, accused Richard Stackhouse of calling her a "filthy, bob-tailed sow" and that he would "stab her and stamp her fine as the earth." In such cases others were called to testify. Ralph said that Stackhouse called him and Eleanor "rogue and baud." Henry Baily said Stackhouse "abused him with words," calling hime a "knave," among other things. Thomas Tuck and Samuel Corning (another Ellingwood ancestor) testified that they overheard Stackhouse slander Ralph and Eleanor. Stackhouse's daughter testified that Mary Woodberry gave her "abusive speeches" and hit her with a broom.
Eleanor is called Ellen in her marriage record, but her son Benjamin named his first daughter Eleanor and she is "Ellenor" in Ralph's probate paper is. She may have been a daughter of Henry and Sarah Linn/Lynn. Three of their children were baptized by their widowed and remarried mother, Mrs. Sarah Gunison, in 1647 at First Church, Boston (now Dorchester), the oldest born in 1638. Perhaps Eleanor was an older sister baptized in England. Her last child was born in 1670, so she may have been born about 1628-30. A court record dated 29 September 1669 gives the ages of Ralph and Eleanor as about "three score" and about 33 respectively.(16) Ralph's age given on the ship list is probably more accurate and puts the court record off by two years. Court depositions were often inaccurate by larger margins. The court record places Eleanor's birth before those of Henry Lynn's known children, and if the margin of error for her age is similar to Ralph's, she may have been born before 1635, when many settlers arrived from England in the Winthrop Fleet.
found on ancestry.com
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