23 July 2005 , Norwalk, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA
Plot: No tombstone remains
Mark St John Will
7 November 1693 , Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA
The will of Mark St. John, from the Fairfield Probate Records,
vol. 1689-1701, p. 87, is as follows:
The Last will and testament of Marke Sension of Norwake aged aboute 59 years I being by the providence of god weak of body byreason of sicknes Attending but through the goodness of God yett of perfect understanding & memory: and being Desireous to dispose of that temporall Estate that God hath Blessed me with so as may be for peace and unity : and I do first bequeath my Soul to God & my body after Death to be Decently Intered ; & Buryed and do Declare this as my Last will and do dispose of my Estate as followeth : Desireous that first my Just Debts be discharged. Imprimis: I do Give and Bequeath unto my Son Joseph Sension my Homsted with all Apurtinances therto belonging: and also all the rest of my Lands & medows Except that Lott which I perchased of Thomas Tailer & also all the Indian field Land and medow : and
also ye Last Division of Land not yet Llfyd out these Excepted not Given to my Son Joseph: also I do Give to my son Joseph Sension his choice of my two yoak of oxen ; to take one yoak of them also one horse allso one mare and colt also two cows allso one 2 year old heifer his choice: also 2 calves: also 12 sheep 8 Ews : 4 withers: And the Bed which is a fether bed which he useually Lyeth upon and also all my husbantry tooles. I do Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Loess Sension & my Daughter Rachil Sension that Lott which I perchased of Thomas Tayler and Dry hill Lott Equally Between them with all Appertenances therto Belonging also I do Give to my Daughter Annah Sension all my upland and medow and medowing Land Lying in the Indian feil Also I Do give unto my three Daughters Yz : Loess Rachil and Annah thirty pound Each of them out of my movable Estate And also what movable Estate shall remaine not allredy given my three daughtersNamly Elizabeth Sarah & Rhoda arc to he Equal till they have Each of them twenty pounds: Except Roda she is to be five pounds short of Elizabeth & Sarah: and in case anything shall yet remaine then to be Equally Divided amoungst my Six Daughters.
Also my will is that what Lands I have Given unto my Son Joseph Sension ; that if God in his providence so order it that he Shall Die without Surviving Issue; then the said Lands to be to ye Eldist Sons of my Six Daughters also my will is that my Son Shnll have Liberty for to Leave the homsted in case he shall mary & Decese & Leave A widow with her Dureing the time of her widowhood She to keep and maintaine all things in as good repaire as they may be in at the time of his decease: And also my will is that what Lands I have Given to any of my Daughters if they Shall Die they or any of them before they Shall marry or Shall have any Issue Surviving: then the Land to hi- and Returne to the Surviving Daughters: And also as to my Daughters not yet Marryed: if they Shall Die before they have any Issue or Maryed then their Estate Given them to be & returne to the Surviving Children Also I do Give to Josep Lockwood my Sister- Son ten Acres of out Lands of the Last Devision : and the rest of the Sd. Last Devision to be Equally Devided amoungst my Children Duelling in Xorwalk also I do Give my negro Servant unto my Son Joseph Sension.
7 November 1693 , Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA
The will of Mark St. John, from the Fairfield Probate Records,
vol. 1689-1701, p. 87, is as follows:
The Last will and testament of Marke Sension of Norwake aged aboute 59 years I being by the providence of god weak of body byreason of sicknes Attending but through the goodness of God yett of perfect understanding & memory: and being Desireous to dispose of that temporall Estate that God hath Blessed me with so as may be for peace and unity : and I do first bequeath my Soul to God & my body after Death to be Decently Intered ; & Buryed and do Declare this as my Last will and do dispose of my Estate as followeth : Desireous that first my Just Debts be discharged. Imprimis: I do Give and Bequeath unto my Son Joseph Sension my Homsted with all Apurtinances therto belonging: and also all the rest of my Lands & medows Except that Lott which I perchased of Thomas Tailer & also all the Indian field Land and medow : and
also ye Last Division of Land not yet Llfyd out these Excepted not Given to my Son Joseph: also I do Give to my son Joseph Sension his choice of my two yoak of oxen ; to take one yoak of them also one horse allso one mare and colt also two cows allso one 2 year old heifer his choice: also 2 calves: also 12 sheep 8 Ews : 4 withers: And the Bed which is a fether bed which he useually Lyeth upon and also all my husbantry tooles. I do Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Loess Sension & my Daughter Rachil Sension that Lott which I perchased of Thomas Tayler and Dry hill Lott Equally Between them with all Appertenances therto Belonging also I do Give to my Daughter Annah Sension all my upland and medow and medowing Land Lying in the Indian feil Also I Do give unto my three Daughters Yz : Loess Rachil and Annah thirty pound Each of them out of my movable Estate And also what movable Estate shall remaine not allredy given my three daughtersNamly Elizabeth Sarah & Rhoda arc to he Equal till they have Each of them twenty pounds: Except Roda she is to be five pounds short of Elizabeth & Sarah: and in case anything shall yet remaine then to be Equally Divided amoungst my Six Daughters.
Also my will is that what Lands I have Given unto my Son Joseph Sension ; that if God in his providence so order it that he Shall Die without Surviving Issue; then the said Lands to be to ye Eldist Sons of my Six Daughters also my will is that my Son Shnll have Liberty for to Leave the homsted in case he shall mary & Decese & Leave A widow with her Dureing the time of her widowhood She to keep and maintaine all things in as good repaire as they may be in at the time of his decease: And also my will is that what Lands I have Given to any of my Daughters if they Shall Die they or any of them before they Shall marry or Shall have any Issue Surviving: then the Land to hi- and Returne to the Surviving Daughters: And also as to my Daughters not yet Marryed: if they Shall Die before they have any Issue or Maryed then their Estate Given them to be & returne to the Surviving Children Also I do Give to Josep Lockwood my Sister- Son ten Acres of out Lands of the Last Devision : and the rest of the Sd. Last Devision to be Equally Devided amoungst my Children Duelling in Xorwalk also I do Give my negro Servant unto my Son Joseph Sension.
Also I do Desire Authaurize & appoint my three Sons viz: Joseph Sension Samuel! Galpin and Samucll Keelcr the Administrators tothi- my Last will and testament To the Confermation herof I haveherunto Set my hand and Seal
In presents of us Witnesses Marke Sension (Seal)
James OlmstedJoseph Kechum
The Will and Inventory of Marke Sention of Xorwalk Deceased was Exhibited to the County Court held in fairfeild
7th of Novembr 1693 for probation this Court Do accept of and approve s'
. will and
Inventory and order them to be Recorded Nathan Gold, Clark
This Indenture made between .Marke Sention of Norwake and Dorothy Hall of Stratford widow Witnesseth that Wheras there is A purpose of Manage between Marke Sention and Dorothy: they have Covenanted and agreed in Case of Marriage as followeth
Imprs that Marke Sention will Lay no Claime to the Estateit as she shall se cause without any Let from Mark Sention : but in case Dorothy Hall shall see cause to carry with her any part of the moveable Estate, Mark Sention binds himself or his Heirs to Returnethe same or the full value therof to her or to her order when eytherof them shall dye It. Dorothy Hall doth covenant with Marke Sension that she will not at his death lay any claim to any part of his Estate that he now possesseth as a Dowry, but will when a widow returne to her ownthat she hath now in possession in Stratford.
In witness whereof Both partyes have affixed their hands and Scales Dated this Twenty first of January Sixteen hundred Ninety one or two
Signed Sealed & delivered : Marke Sention (Seal)
in presence of us : Dorothy Hall (Seal)
Joseph Curtiss
Ebenezer Boothe
State of Connecticut, SS :Probate Court, District of Fairfield.
Fairfield, June 7th, 1895.
This may certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy
of Page 87 Vol. 1689-1701 of the probate records of the District of
Fairfield. Attest,
Elmore S. Banks,
Children: Clerk. ( L.S.)
found on ancestry.com
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