[Ancestral Link: Lura Minnie Parker (Stagge), daughter of Minnie May Elmer (Parker), daughter of Mark Alfred Elmer, son of Hannah Polina Child (Elmer), daughter of Alfred Bosworth Child, son of Mark Anthony Child, son of Increase Child, son of Mary Lyon (Child), daughter of Elizabeth Phillips (Lyon), daughter of Elizabeth Polly (Phillips).]
More than one Elizabeth Polley?
I had some trouble with this entry. First of all in records and sources there is more than one spelling of the last name (Polley and Polly). I found two men married to an Elizabeth Polley (John Brown and Caleb Phillips). As I looked through One World Tree, I believe there may have been two women by this name. One was the daughter of John Polly born 1618 and Susannah Bacon. The other was the daughter of George Polley born 1625 and Elizabeth Winn. These two women may have had the same date and place of birth as they were related. It appears that John and George were brothers (the sons of John Polly born 1592 and Margaret ?).
found on ancestry.com
It has not been confirmed that John and George were brothers. There is no record of John beofre 1650 in Roxbury, MA. John Polley and Susannah Bacon did have a child, Elisabeth, born 14Feb1657 in Roxbury, Mass.