[Ancestral Link: Lura Minnie Parker (Stagge), daughter of Minnie May Elmer (Parker), daughter of Mark Alfred Elmer, son of Hannah Polina Child (Elmer), daughter of Alfred Bosworth Child, son of Mark Anthony Child, son of Increase Child, son of Ephraim Child, son of Priscilla Harris (Child), daughter of Joanna Brewer (Harris), daughter of Nathaniel Brewer, son of Daniel Brewer.]
ORIGIN: Unknown
MIGRATION: 1632 on Lyon
OCCUPATION: Husbandman.
CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: Admitted to Roxbury church as member in 1632
FREEMAN: 14 May 1634
EDUCATION: Signed deed of 5 May 1640 by mark; signed will by mark.
ESTATE: Daniel Brewer was granted the usual sequence of lots in Roxbury: house, orchard and yard (acreage omitted); six acres of swamp; six acres; sixteen acres; one acre of fresh meadow; three acres of salt marsh; and lot twenty-seven in the first and third allotments of the last division, fifty-three acres and a fraction. He had also acquired three additional parcels: six acres salt marsh at Gravelly Point; one acre of upland and meadow; and seven acres lately bought of John Stannard. On 5 May 1640 Daniel Brewer sold to Joseph Weld three acres of fresh meadow.In his will, dated 12 January 1645/6 and proved 20 May 1647, Daniel Brewer of Roxbury, husbandman, divided his lands between his wife Joanna and his son Daniel, and bequeathed money and movables to son Nathaniel and daughters Ann, Joanna and Sarah; Daniel and the three daughters are stated to be unmarried; Isaac Morrell and Edward Bridge to be overseers; witnessed by William Dennison and Edward Bridge; signed by mark.The inventory was taken on 12 May 1647 by Edward Porter, and totalled £166 4s., of which £81 10s. was real estate: houses and homelot, £40; six acres of arable land, £12; four acres and a half of meadow, £10; six acres of swamp, £6; forty acres of wood ground, £12; twenty-seven acres of wood ground at Dedham, £1 10s. On 8 October 1646 "Joanna Brewer and Daniel Brewer her son (being of full age)" mortgaged to Thomas Dudley six acres broken-up land in Roxbury and five acres meadow at Gravelly Point.
BIRTH: About 1600 based on birth of eldest child.
DEATH: "Brother Brewer died of an ulcer in his lungs which pierced through into his bowels and emptied thither to his great swelling and torment" 28 March 1646 .
MARRIAGE: Wife Joanna named in will of 12 January 1645/6; "_____ Brewer wife of Daniel Brewer" admitted to Roxbury church immediately after Daniel Brewer himself ; since the third child, born in England, was Joanna, it is likely that she was his only wife, and they were married in England by about 1625; she died in Roxbury 7 February 1688/9, aged 87, and therefore born about 1602, or perhaps a few years later.
i DANIEL, born England about 1625 (died Roxbury 9 January 1708, aged 84); married Roxbury 5 November 1652 Hannah Morrill, daughter of ISAAC MORRILL.
ii ANNE, born England about 1628; admitted to Roxbury church in 1645 or 1646 died (or buried?) Roxbury 15 March 1658/9.
iii JOANNA, born England about 1631; named in will of father, 12 January 1645/6; no further record (unless she is the Joanna Brewer who "took hold of the covenant" 24 April 1682).
iv NATHANIEL, born Roxbury 1 May 1635; married (1) by 1660 Elizabeth Kingsbury, buried Roxbury 25 June 1661; married (2) Roxbury 6 December 1661 Elizabeth Rand.
v SARAH, born Roxbury 8 March 1638; married at Roxbury 19 November 1656 John May.
COMMENTS: The best account of the family of Daniel Brewer is in Dawes-Gates 1:108-11. Some secondary sources claim a son George who died in 1646, but there is no evidence for his existence. A daughter Hannah has also been proposed, but without proof. McArthur-Barnes 142, and sources cited there
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Arrival of Daniel Brewer
[F15686]. Daniel BREWER.
Born in 1596 in London, England.
He married Joanna MORRILL before 1623 in England.
Daniel Brewer and his family came to New England on the ship "The Lyon," William Peirce, Master, arriving September 16, 1632 at Boston. They settled in Roxbury. (S?).
From S5:September, 1632 The Lyon, from London, England, arrived at Boston, Massachusetts. The Lyon departed London June 22, 1632, with 123 passengers (including 50 children) and arrived at Boston September 16, 1632. "They had been twelve weeks aboard and eight weeks from 'Land's End'." (Winthrop's "Journal", I, 92).
On the list is:
Daniel Brewer, bound for Roxbury
Mrs. Joanna Brewer
Daniel Brewer
Anne Brewer
Joanna Brewer
An also:
John Brewer, of Sussex, bound for Cambridge.
ISAAC MORRILL of Hatfield Broadoak, Essex. Bound for Roxbury.
Mrs. . . . Morrill
Sarah Morrill
Katherine Morrill
The record does not say if they are related.
From S6:He " Daniel Brewer1 came in the ship Lyon from England in 1632. Governor John Winthrop recorded the arrival in Boston of the vessel Lyon piloted by its celebrated master William Peirce: "1632 September 16 being the Lord's day. In the evening Mr. Peirce, in the ship Lyon, arrived and came to an anchor before Boston. He brought one hundred and twenty-three passengers whereof fifty children, all in health; and lost not one person by the way, save his carpenter, who fell over board as he was caulking a post. They had been twelve weeks aboard and eight weeks from Land's End. He had five days east wind and thick fog, so as he was forced to come, all that time, by the lead; and the first land he made was Cape Ann."
From S6:Daniel Brewer took the oath of allegiance before leaving England and brought to America with him his wife Joanna and three older children. They soon joined the Roxbury church and May 14, 1634, Daniel was sworn a freeman. He had a home lot, an orchard and some 95 acres. Roxbury was described as a "faire and handsome countrey town, the inhabitants of it being all very rich." Later, "they have goodly fruit trees, fruitful fields and gardens, their heard of cows, oxen and other young cattell....their streets are large and some fayre houses yet they have built their house for church assembly destitute and unbeautiful.." Daniel did jury duty in December 1640, each jury member receiving one shilling. He was one of about sixty citizens who subscribed annually to the support of the Free Schools in Roxbury; the annual payment in 1645 was five shillings. A husbandman, Daniel, in his will dated January 12, 1646, named his wife executor and arranged that she have during her life "the use of the house, half of the barn and other outhouses, timber for repairs, firewood, a red steer, all the swine, three Cowes, sufficient hay, fresh and salt, for the keeping of three Cowes, and the plowing and soweing of the said home lott, etc." On March 28, 1646, "Brother Brewer dyed of an Ulcer in his longes which pced through into his bowels and emptyed thither to his great swelling and torment." His widow died February 7, 1689, aet 87.
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Daniel Brewer
Daniel Brewer with his wife, Joanna, and three older children emigrated on the "Lyon", William Peirce, Master, in 1632. On the same vessel came James Olmstead with his family (Dawes-Gates, II, 611) John Watson and the Isaac Morrill family, both of who settled in Roxbury as did also Daniel. Before sailing, these men had taken the oath of allegiance to the English king as was certified by one Capt. Mason. The "Lyon" was quite a noted vessel and its Master was even more noted. He made man trips between Old England and New, and was especially serviceable by making four voyages to New England during the years 1630-2 of which this was the fourth. He made his first trip during this period early in 1630 as did also the "Mary and John" not actually with Winthrop and his Fleet, but approved by them. The "Lyon" arrived shortly before the flag ship "Arabella." When Gov. Winthrop landed, finding much of sickness and lack of food, he ordered Master Peirce to head the "Lyon" eastward to Ireland with all speed to mend that difficulty. Peirce made his return trip during the stormy winter months, bringing two hundred tons of provisions and anti-scorbutics to fight the scrofula from which so many early voyagers suffered as a result of the limited fare. On this crossing, lasting sixty-seven days, Master Peirce also brought about twenty passengers, including our John Perkins with his wife and five children. Contrasted with their very stormy passage, the later voyage of Daniel and his family was an exceptionally pleasant one. Gov. John Winthrop recorded of its ending.
1632 September 16 "being the Lord's day. In the evening Mr. Peirce, in the ship Lyon, arrived, and came to an anchor before Boston. He brought one hundred and twenty-three passengers whereof fifty children, all in health; and lost not one person by the way, save his carpenter, who fell over board as he was caulking a port. They had been twelve weeks aboard, and eight weeks from Land's End. He had five days east wind and thick fog, so as he was forced to come, all that time, by the lead; and the first land he made was Cape Ann."
Dawes-Gates ancestral files: a memorial volume containing the American ancestry of Rufus R. Dawes, Vol.2 Brewer
Author: Ferris, Mary Walton
Publishing Date: 1931-1943
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