[Ancestral Link: Marvin Louis Stagge, son of Lura Minnie Parker (Stagge), daughter of Minnie May Elmer (Parker), daughter of Mark Alfred Elmer, son of William Elmer, son of Sarah Peake (Elmer), daughter of Lemuel Peake, son of Jonathan Peake, son of Jonathan Peake, son of Sarah French (Peake), daughter of William French, son of Thomas French.]
Will of Thomas French
FRENCH, THOMAS, the elder of Wethersfield, Essex, gentleman, 23 July, 1599. To poor of Halstead 40/- Ditto of West Wratting Cambridge 20/- Ditto of Snettisham Norfolk £3. Ditto of Much Bardfield 40/- Ditto of Little Bardfield 20/- Ditto of Whethersfield 40/- Ditto of Arkesden 20/-. To my daughter Mary now the wife of John Collin £20, and to her children John, William, Mary and Elizabeth Collin £20 each to be paid them "in the South Porch of the Parish Church of Much Bardfield."To my daughter Elizabeth now the wife of John Meade £20 and to her children Edward, Elizabeth, John and Agnes Meade £20 each to be paid as before. To the children of my son Thomas French (not named) £10 each. To Thomas Girton one of the servants of my said son 10/- To John French son of my son Thomas a silver bowl. To my wife Bridgit £5 and such goods as I had with her and possessed at the time of our marriage. Res. & Ex. son Thomas. Wit: Thomas Reynoldes, William Younge,William Purcas. Proved 31 October 1599 by the Executor named. (P.C.C. Kidd, 73.)
his will
Estate of Thomas French, Sr. of Ipswich Essex Probate Docket #10190
In the name of God, Amen. I Thomas French Senior of Ipswich being weak of body yet of perfect understanding and memory doe in case of death make this my last Will and Testament. In the first place I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God who hath redeemed it by the precious blood of his Son; and I commit my body to the Earth, whence it was taken, to be buried in a Christian decent manner by my friends in hope of a blessed resurrection to eternal life. And as for my outward Estate which God hath graciously given me in this world I doe thus dispose of it: Imprimis, I give and bequeath to Mary my beloved wife the Bed whereon I use to ly, with all the appurtenances and furniture belonging thereto. Moreover, I give to my son Thomas French my cloak and close-coat. Also I give to my son John French one Cow, which is to make up the full summe of thirty pounds which I formerly promised him for his Portion. Also I give to my daughter Mary Smith, one Cow. And to my son Samuel French, I give and bequeath he bed where he usually lieth, together with the Bedding and Bedstead belonging to the same. Further, as concerning my lands at the Pequod lots, and my division lot of marsh at Plum Island, my will is that my sons Thomas and Samuel French for and in consideration of twenty pounds by them engaged according to to order unto my son Ephraim French as the remaining part of this portion (which summe of twenty pounds is almost all paid, and the remainder due upon demand), I say my Will is that those my two sonns Thomas and Samuel shall possess and enjoy the said Pequod lands, and division-lot of marsh to themselves and to their heirs forever, to be equally divided betwixt them. Furthermore, I give and bequeath to my sonn Thomas French my dwelling house and homested with all the appurtenances and priviledges thereof and belonging thereto, and also by Lot lying in Labour-in-vain fields containing twelve acres more or less; with all the rest of my cattell, stocke of all sorts and moveable goods (not disposed of by this my will and testament) and to my son Samuel I give and bequeath two acres of upland joyning to Joseph Quilter's and two acres of meadow-ground at Reedy marsh; to be possessed by them respectively after my decease, provided always and my will is that my son Thomas French doe give full and free libertie to Mary my wife his mother to abide ad dwell in the said house and to make use of any room or rooms thereof for her convenient accommodation therein; as likewise to make use of all or any such moveable as I doe now leave in the hands of my son Thomas (not disposed of) as my be necessary ad convenient for her use and occasions from time to time; and all these during the term of her natural life, and after her decease my son Thomas shall deliver to my three children John, Samuell and Mary three of the biggest pewter dishes which shall then be left and remain that is to say, to each of them, one. Provided also, and my will is that my two son Thomas and Samuel doe carefully provide for their mothers comfortable maintenance and livelyhood and what is requisit thereto during her natural life; each of them allowing thereto proportionally to that part of my Estate which shall be by them received by vertue of this my testament. And if through any neglect of failure, this way of maintenance should not be to their mother's satisfaction and content, my Will is, that those my two sons Thomas and Samuel shall allow to their mother ten pounds yeerly; nine pounds thereof to be paid by Thomas and twenty shillings by Samuel, in such pay as shall be suitable and necessary for her comfortable maintenance and livelyhood. And further, if it shall pleas God to exercise her with much prevailing weakness or continuing sickness that the aforesaid then pounds should not suffice to defray the charges of her expenses, my Will is that (over and above the ten pounds, and according to the like rate of proportion) those my two sons Thomas and Samuel shall supply her with necessaries suitable as her condition may require, that she be not exposed to suffering for want of what ought and might be procured for her. Also my Will is that my Lot in Labour-in-vain fields, and the two acres of meadow at Reedy Marsh shall stand bound respectively to my said wife during her natural like as securitie for the true performance of this my Will as respecting her maintenance by my two Sonns; and after he decease, the said lands (except what shall bee alienated (if any so be) by means of the securitie aforesaid) to remain to each of those my Sonns and to their heirs forever as is before mentioned and declared. And lastly, I doe name, appoint and constitute my son Thomas French to be the sole Executor of this my last will & testament.
August 3 1680
Witness: (no signatures)
Proved in Ipswich Court 28 September 1680, by Mary French and Samuel French
Source: Printed "Probate Records of Essex County, Massachusetts; 1635 - 1681," In three volumes,The Essex Institute; Salem, Massachusetts; 1916 http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/gen/report/rr03/rr03_467.htm#P51175
found on ancestry.com
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