[Ancestral Link: Marvin Louis Stagge, son of Lura Minnie Parker (Stagge), daughter of Minnie May Elmer (Parker), daughter of Mark Alfred Elmer, son of William Elmer, son of Sarah Peake (Elmer), daughter of Lemuel Peake, son of Jonathan Peake, son of Jonathan Peake, son of Jonathan Peake, son of Dorcas French (Peake),]
Dorcas French
Of the French girls, Dorcas French married Christopher Peake (born 1605, England died May 22, 1666 in Roxbury son of Boniface Peake and Joanne Clarke) and had Sarah Peake (born January 9, 1656) who married on December 27, 1671 Abraham Daynes. See the following link for Boniface Peake descendency http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=tracyverba&id=I1372 He would have been 31 and she 15, just shy of her 16th birthday. It is interesting to note that the French girls, Dorcas and Susan were servants to Elder and Junior Winthrop, Jr.'s home in 1644 was on Fisher's Island close to Manhattan, and the 1st English residence in Pequot country (Caulkins, Frances, History of New England.) Dorcas French married Christopher Peake, the same day that her service contract expired (1636). Dorcas and Susan's parents were Susan Riddlesdale and Thomas French. See: ThomasFrenchandSusannaRiddlesdaleFamily tree.htm and http://members.aol.com/randsherm/family/riddlesdale3.html
found on ancestry.com
Dorcas John Winthrop's Servant
Dorcas French, baptized 31 July 1614, died 30 December 1697 or 14/15 October 1694 in Roxbury, Massachusetts. Servant to John Winthrop. Immigrated 1633, married(1). Christopher Peake 3 January 1636/7 of Roxbury, Massachusetts, married(2) Griffin Craft of Roxbury, Massachusetts. Served in the family of John Winthrop, Jr. in Ipswich, Massachusetts. A letter written by Thomas Gostlin to John Winthrop, Jr., from Groton on June 11, 1633 refers to both Dorcas and Susan: "she is one of the goodman French's daughters of Assington. I have sent two of them, one for your father and the other for you. Your father must take his choice. The eldest must serve for 3 years, and the youngest 4...pray let them be delt as well with all as any of the same quality." found on ancestry.com
Thanks for your research on my aunt Dorcas.... warmest regards, Brian French