Ancient Burying Ground (Center Church Graveyard), Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut

Will signature

Birth: 1585 Northamptonshire, England
Death: May 17, 1678 Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA
The son of Richard and Jeane Lord of County Townchester, Northampton, England, he married first Dorothy Buckley, daughter of Edward Buckley and sister of Reverend Peter Buckley. After her death, he married Dorothy Bird 23 February 1610 in Townchester. Joseph and his second wife came from England in The "Elizabeth and Ann" to Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1635; joined Reverend Thomas Hooker's party in founding Hartford, Connecticut 1636; Thomas was an original proprietor of Hartford, Connecticut. His name is on the Founder's Monument in the Ancient Cemetery where he is buried. Thomas and Dorothy (Bird) Lord were the parents of at least nine children all being born in England.
Burial: Ancient Burying Ground, Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA
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Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and family memoirs
Dr. Thomas Lord, who held the first medical license granted in the New England colonies. He came to America with Dorothy, his wife, April 29, 1635, in the ship "Elizabeth and Ann."
Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and family memoirs
Dr. Thomas Lord, who held the first medical license granted in the New England colonies. He came to America with Dorothy, his wife, April 29, 1635, in the ship "Elizabeth and Ann."
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Thomas and Dorothy
Thomas and Dorothy came to New England in 1633, with Reverend Thomas Hooker's party, with whom they lived at first in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and then traveled with them to what is now Hartford, Connecticut. - Ancestry of Edward Wales Blake and Clarissa Matilda Glidden, pg. 47. Dorothy married Thomas 23 February 1611, at Towcester, Northhamptonshire, the license being granted at Peterboro the same day.
Thomas and Dorothy
Thomas and Dorothy came to New England in 1633, with Reverend Thomas Hooker's party, with whom they lived at first in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and then traveled with them to what is now Hartford, Connecticut. - Ancestry of Edward Wales Blake and Clarissa Matilda Glidden, pg. 47. Dorothy married Thomas 23 February 1611, at Towcester, Northhamptonshire, the license being granted at Peterboro the same day.
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Thomas Lord, wife and family, were registered 29th April, 1635, for transportation from the port of London to New England, in the ship "Elizabeth and Ann," of which Captain Robert Cooper was Master. Thomas was fifty years old, (born 1585); his wife, Dorothy, forty-six, (born 1589); and their children, Thomas, sixteen; Ann, fourteen; William, twelve; John, ten; Robert, nine; Aymie, six; Dorothy, four. (Hotten's Original Lists.)
Thomas Lord first settled at Newtown, afterward called Cambridge, Massachusetts, where his eldest son, Richard, born in 1611, had already established himself in 1632. Savage (in his Genealogical Dictionary) says that his father "perhaps had sent him to look out the most desirable place for his friends, Governor Haynes and Reverend Thomas Hooker," who came over in 1633 with "a hundred other passengers of importance to the colony." Here he remained "a year or more." But in 1636-37 this family was of that large company which was led, by Reverend Thomas Hooker, from Massachusetts, to form a new settlement on the Connecticut River. Thomas Lord thus became an original proprietor, and one of the first settlers of Hartford. He lived on the "north side," fronting Mill River, a near neighbor of Gov. Haynes, Reverend Mr. Hooker, Mr. Goodwin, Gov. Wyllys, Mr. Matthew Allyn, and others of the prominent inhabitants. His sons, Richard and Thomas, had lots next to his. That part of Hartford called Lord's Hill took its name from this family. Mr. Henry Dutch Lord, of Boston, a recognized authority, says: Thomas Lord, the first, of Hartford, was a merchant and mill owner, and that in the descriptions of the Burnham estate, Burnham mentions his half-interest in the mill with Thomas Lord. In these transactions Thomas Lord bears the prefix of "Mr." The date of his death is not known. Porter (in "Historical Notices of Hartford,") says: "he died early." The place of his burial is not known, but there is quite a number of Lord tombstones of descendants of his, in the early generations, in the rear of the First Church, of Hartford. The names of Thomas Lord and his son Richard are inscribed on the granite monument in the old grave-yard of Hartford as prominent among the first settlers. His widow, Dorothy, died in 1675 at the age of eighty-six years, and her will, dated February 8, 1669, is now on file among the Probate Records, in the office of the Secretary of State at Hartford.
There is no will recorded for Thomas Lord. His wife's will speaks of "that little estate the Lord hath lent me." Yet, besides disposing of a "dwelling house and Barn" and a "Home lott," it devises a "lower lott in the North meadow," several acres constituting an "upper lott in the long meadow," together with "wood land that is allready layd out or to be layd unto me within the Bounds of Hartford," beside "Moveable estate and Cattell," in five portions, and various household-stuff distinctive of a gentlewoman to a considerable amount, including a "silver drinking bowl." The seal which Dorothy Lord affixed to it, showing the coat of arms which "doubtless had been her husband's." The bearings correspond "exactly with those of the Laward, alias Lord, family, as given in Berry's Encyclopaedia and Burke's Armour, S. N." "Av, on a fess gu, between three cinque foils, az, a hind pass, between two pheons, or."
Thomas Lord, wife and family, were registered 29th April, 1635, for transportation from the port of London to New England, in the ship "Elizabeth and Ann," of which Captain Robert Cooper was Master. Thomas was fifty years old, (born 1585); his wife, Dorothy, forty-six, (born 1589); and their children, Thomas, sixteen; Ann, fourteen; William, twelve; John, ten; Robert, nine; Aymie, six; Dorothy, four. (Hotten's Original Lists.)
Thomas Lord first settled at Newtown, afterward called Cambridge, Massachusetts, where his eldest son, Richard, born in 1611, had already established himself in 1632. Savage (in his Genealogical Dictionary) says that his father "perhaps had sent him to look out the most desirable place for his friends, Governor Haynes and Reverend Thomas Hooker," who came over in 1633 with "a hundred other passengers of importance to the colony." Here he remained "a year or more." But in 1636-37 this family was of that large company which was led, by Reverend Thomas Hooker, from Massachusetts, to form a new settlement on the Connecticut River. Thomas Lord thus became an original proprietor, and one of the first settlers of Hartford. He lived on the "north side," fronting Mill River, a near neighbor of Gov. Haynes, Reverend Mr. Hooker, Mr. Goodwin, Gov. Wyllys, Mr. Matthew Allyn, and others of the prominent inhabitants. His sons, Richard and Thomas, had lots next to his. That part of Hartford called Lord's Hill took its name from this family. Mr. Henry Dutch Lord, of Boston, a recognized authority, says: Thomas Lord, the first, of Hartford, was a merchant and mill owner, and that in the descriptions of the Burnham estate, Burnham mentions his half-interest in the mill with Thomas Lord. In these transactions Thomas Lord bears the prefix of "Mr." The date of his death is not known. Porter (in "Historical Notices of Hartford,") says: "he died early." The place of his burial is not known, but there is quite a number of Lord tombstones of descendants of his, in the early generations, in the rear of the First Church, of Hartford. The names of Thomas Lord and his son Richard are inscribed on the granite monument in the old grave-yard of Hartford as prominent among the first settlers. His widow, Dorothy, died in 1675 at the age of eighty-six years, and her will, dated February 8, 1669, is now on file among the Probate Records, in the office of the Secretary of State at Hartford.
There is no will recorded for Thomas Lord. His wife's will speaks of "that little estate the Lord hath lent me." Yet, besides disposing of a "dwelling house and Barn" and a "Home lott," it devises a "lower lott in the North meadow," several acres constituting an "upper lott in the long meadow," together with "wood land that is allready layd out or to be layd unto me within the Bounds of Hartford," beside "Moveable estate and Cattell," in five portions, and various household-stuff distinctive of a gentlewoman to a considerable amount, including a "silver drinking bowl." The seal which Dorothy Lord affixed to it, showing the coat of arms which "doubtless had been her husband's." The bearings correspond "exactly with those of the Laward, alias Lord, family, as given in Berry's Encyclopaedia and Burke's Armour, S. N." "Av, on a fess gu, between three cinque foils, az, a hind pass, between two pheons, or."
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DR. THOMAS LORD 1585 - 1667
Dr. Thomas Lord and his wife, Dorothy, along with their seven children, left from London for America April 29, 1635, on the ship, "Elizabeth and Ann." They were in Boston or Cambridge, Massachusetts for about a year and then joined the Hooker Party in 1636, and were among the original settlers of Hartford, Connecticut. Thomas Lord's name is on the Founder's Monument. All Descents from then to now are entitled to membership in the "Founders of Hartford."
from: Our Folk Website (12/23/2008)
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DR. THOMAS LORD 1585 - 1667
Dr. Thomas Lord and his wife, Dorothy, along with their seven children, left from London for America April 29, 1635, on the ship, "Elizabeth and Ann." They were in Boston or Cambridge, Massachusetts for about a year and then joined the Hooker Party in 1636, and were among the original settlers of Hartford, Connecticut. Thomas Lord's name is on the Founder's Monument. All Descents from then to now are entitled to membership in the "Founders of Hartford."
from: Our Folk Website (12/23/2008)
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Thomas and family notes
Thomas Lord was born in Towcester, Northampton, England, about 1585, and died in Hartford, Connecticut, on May 17, 1678. Dorothy Bird was born in Towcester on Saturday, May 25, 1588, and died in Hartford on August 2, 1676. They were both buried in Center Church Burying Ground, Hartford, Connecticut. They were married in Towcester on Saturday, February 23, 1610/1. She took the name Dorothy Lord. Their marriage license was recorded three days before their wedding. He is the son of Richard and Joane (_____) Lord. She is the daughter of Robert and Amy (_____) Bird. They had eight children:
i. Richard Lord was baptized in Towcester and died in New Haven Colony on May 17, 1662. Per Ron Stanton, March 2002 (e-mail address invalid as of October 2002): He arrived in America at age 24, before his father. He was a merchant and ship owner. He was Captain of the first troop of military horsemen in the colony.
Thomas Lord was born in Towcester, Northampton, England, about 1585, and died in Hartford, Connecticut, on May 17, 1678. Dorothy Bird was born in Towcester on Saturday, May 25, 1588, and died in Hartford on August 2, 1676. They were both buried in Center Church Burying Ground, Hartford, Connecticut. They were married in Towcester on Saturday, February 23, 1610/1. She took the name Dorothy Lord. Their marriage license was recorded three days before their wedding. He is the son of Richard and Joane (_____) Lord. She is the daughter of Robert and Amy (_____) Bird. They had eight children:
i. Richard Lord was baptized in Towcester and died in New Haven Colony on May 17, 1662. Per Ron Stanton, March 2002 (e-mail address invalid as of October 2002): He arrived in America at age 24, before his father. He was a merchant and ship owner. He was Captain of the first troop of military horsemen in the colony.
ii. Anne Lord: She was born in Towcester, Northamptonshire, England, on September 18, 1614, and died in Stonington, New London County, Connecticut, in 1688.
iii. Thomas Lord was baptized in Towcester on November 15, 1616.
iv. William Lord was baptized in Towcester on December 27, 1618.
v. Robert Lord was baptized in Towcester on May 12, 1620.
vi. John Lord was baptized in Towcester on January 21, 1623/4.
vii. Amy Lord was baptized in Towcester on November 30, 1626. She married John Gilbert, son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Bennett) Gilbert, the original Gilbert immigrant family. Note: From the passenger list, her birth year should be 1628-29.
viii. Dorothy Lord was baptized in England on July 1, 1629.
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From Notes on the Founding of New England, pages 328–329:
Thomas Lord (son of Richard), born about 1585, lived at Towchester from 1610 to at least as late as 1629. In the spring of 1635 he came over to New England and soon settled in Hartford, Connecticut, where he died.
He married at Towchester, 23 February 1610/11, Dorothy Bird, born about 1589, daughter of Robert and Amy ______ Bird; she came to New England with her husband and children (except the eldest) in 1635, and died in Hartford, 2 August 1676.
[A list of their eight children and their baptism dates is given, too.]
On 29 April, 1635, the following party was added to the passenger list of the Elizabeth and Ann. It appears to be the entire Lord family plus a few others. There was another family added at the same time as a separate party. The entry was preceded by the following.
From Our Early Emigrant Ancestors ...
THESE underwritten names are to be transported to New England, imbarqued in the ELIZABETH and ANN, ROGER COOPR. Mr., the pties brought certificates from the Minister of the parish and Justices of the Peace, of their conformation to the orders and discipline of the Church of England, and that they are no subsidy men.
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From Notes on the Founding of New England, pages 328–329:
Thomas Lord (son of Richard), born about 1585, lived at Towchester from 1610 to at least as late as 1629. In the spring of 1635 he came over to New England and soon settled in Hartford, Connecticut, where he died.
He married at Towchester, 23 February 1610/11, Dorothy Bird, born about 1589, daughter of Robert and Amy ______ Bird; she came to New England with her husband and children (except the eldest) in 1635, and died in Hartford, 2 August 1676.
[A list of their eight children and their baptism dates is given, too.]
On 29 April, 1635, the following party was added to the passenger list of the Elizabeth and Ann. It appears to be the entire Lord family plus a few others. There was another family added at the same time as a separate party. The entry was preceded by the following.
From Our Early Emigrant Ancestors ...
THESE underwritten names are to be transported to New England, imbarqued in the ELIZABETH and ANN, ROGER COOPR. Mr., the pties brought certificates from the Minister of the parish and Justices of the Peace, of their conformation to the orders and discipline of the Church of England, and that they are no subsidy men.
THO. LORD, a smith 50
Per Amma C. Crum, all of the children's baptisms were recorded in the Towcester Registers as children of Thomas Lorde and Dorothie his wife except the first three which were given as son (or daughter) of Thomas Lorde.
Brainard, Homer Worthing; Gilbert, Harold Simeon; and Torrey, Clarence Almon, The Gilbert Family—Descendants of Thomas Gilbert, 1582(?)–1659 of Mt. Wollastin (Braintree), Windsor, and Wethersfield, 1953
Hotten, John Camden. Our Early Emigrant Ancestors: The Original Lists of Persons of Quality (1600–1700) Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1968 (originally published 1880 New York)
Notes on the Founding of New England, American Genealogies; found on "Early New England Settlers, 1600s–1800s"; Family Tree Maker (Brøderbund) CD#504
The Lord Family
Families of Early Hartford
Caulkins, Frances M., History of New London, Connecticut, New London, 1895
Stanton, William A., A Record, Genealogical, Biographical, Statistical, of Thomas Stanton, of Connecticut, and His Descendants, 1635–1891
Mormon family record sheet for son Thomas
Dorothy's stats are from which includes no sources
copied from
The following was copied from
Dr. Thomas Lord - was born in 1586 in Towcester, Northampton, England and died in 1667 in Hartford, Connecticut. He was the son of Richard Lord.
Per Amma C. Crum, all of the children's baptisms were recorded in the Towcester Registers as children of Thomas Lorde and Dorothie his wife except the first three which were given as son (or daughter) of Thomas Lorde.
Brainard, Homer Worthing; Gilbert, Harold Simeon; and Torrey, Clarence Almon, The Gilbert Family—Descendants of Thomas Gilbert, 1582(?)–1659 of Mt. Wollastin (Braintree), Windsor, and Wethersfield, 1953
Hotten, John Camden. Our Early Emigrant Ancestors: The Original Lists of Persons of Quality (1600–1700) Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1968 (originally published 1880 New York)
Notes on the Founding of New England, American Genealogies; found on "Early New England Settlers, 1600s–1800s"; Family Tree Maker (Brøderbund) CD#504
The Lord Family
Families of Early Hartford
Caulkins, Frances M., History of New London, Connecticut, New London, 1895
Stanton, William A., A Record, Genealogical, Biographical, Statistical, of Thomas Stanton, of Connecticut, and His Descendants, 1635–1891
Mormon family record sheet for son Thomas
Dorothy's stats are from which includes no sources
copied from
The following was copied from
Dr. Thomas Lord - was born in 1586 in Towcester, Northampton, England and died in 1667 in Hartford, Connecticut. He was the son of Richard Lord.
Dr. Thomas married Dorothy Bird on 23 February 1610/1611 in Towcester, Northampton, England. Dorothy was born on 25 May 1588 in Towcester, North Hampton, England. She was the daughter of Robert Bird. She died on 2 August 1676 in Hartford, Connecticut. (Sources: - 2)
Dr. Thomas - They with their 7 children left from London for America April 29, 1635, on the ship "Elizabeth and Ann". They were in Boston or Cambridge, Massachusetts about a year, then joined the "Hooker Party" in 1636 and were the original settlers of Hartford Connecticut. Thomas Lord's name is on the Founders Monument. All Descendants from then to now are entitled to membership in the "FOUNDERS OF HARTFORD"
Dr. Thomas - They with their 7 children left from London for America April 29, 1635, on the ship "Elizabeth and Ann". They were in Boston or Cambridge, Massachusetts about a year, then joined the "Hooker Party" in 1636 and were the original settlers of Hartford Connecticut. Thomas Lord's name is on the Founders Monument. All Descendants from then to now are entitled to membership in the "FOUNDERS OF HARTFORD"
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